Grow Your Restoration Business by $100K In Profit.

We offer a proprietary paid + "Near Me" organic lead generation platform designed specifically for restoration contractors.

CoolCoach’s Proprietary Platform

We have made it easy for restoration contractors to plugin at any stage of their business.

Each pillar of our system is designed to grow, market and scale your restoration business, so you can focus on growing your business instead of managing it!

01 // Brand Building & Marketing

Brand Visibility Matters.

Buying leads and riding insurance companies to grow your restoration business long-term is a terrible strategy. You need to establish your brand online, create your own demand for your business, and put the tools in place to convert that business.

CoolCoach’s not only enhance your brand, we flood it online, set you up with automation technology to help you close more deals, and get you in front of the people that are searching online during a disaster.

02 // Service Area Domination

Restoration Contractor Near Me.

We explode your market with dedicated local websites in each city you service. Our “Near Me” technology makes your brand ultra-relevant for local searches in all of your territory.

Whether you service the surrounding areas, entire counties, entire state, or the entire country, our tech can make that a reality for you overnight!

03 // Leverage Your Team Efficiently

Grow your business by leveraging your team.

Restoration business owners are unable to scale if they are still doing the work, managing the teams, and handling the day to day. CoolCoach’s scaling program creates processes, implements technology, and delivers proven and scalable operations to help get you out of the day to day, so you can focus on more important parts.

Our technology helps you automate follow-up, close more sales, and manage more teams. Our coaching helps you obtain the freedom to do what you want!

04 // Aggressively Scale Your Business

Time to Scale!

After each pillar in our program is in place and moving, you can now scale your restoration business significantly. At this point we can pull on the levers we built to drive more BUSINESS, close more BUSINESS, and support more BUSINESS.

Long-term success does not come easy, but CoolCoach’s proprietary programs ensure it comes much faster and larger than on your own!

Clients We Help

Real Results, Real Scale.

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Time to scale your business.